Photo from ICEVI-Europe event

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National Page of Austria

National representative

Mrs. Gertrude Jaritz

Name: Mrs. Gertrude Jaritz

Educational institutions


Founded in 1898 the Bundes-Blindenerziehungsinstitut (Federal Institute for the Education of the Blind) is the oldest and biggest school for blind and visually impaired people in Austria.

Institut für Hör- und Sehbildung Linz

The special schoold for the Deaf and Blind in Linz.

Michael-Reitter-Landesschule und Pädagogisches Zentrum für Sinnesbehinderte

Austrian school and resource centre for children with visual and hearing impairment. Located in Linz.


Besides being a special school for visually impaired students the Odilien-Institut is also involved in early intervention, support to v.i. students in mainstream schools, vocational training, rehabilitation and care of the elderly. Located in Graz, Austria.

Schule für Sehbehinderte

Special school for visually impaired in Vienna.

Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum, Innsbruck

Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum für Kinder mit Blindheit oder Sehbehinderung. Motto: Die Welt be-greifen. 100 Jahre. Blindenbildung in Tirol. 1907 - 2007

ÖHTB - Österreichisches Hilfswerk für Taubblinde und Hochgradig Hör- und Sehbehinderte

Address: Braunhuberg 4, 1110 Wien
Phone: 00 43 1 7490421


Elternselbsthilfe sehgeschädigter Kinder Österreichs

Austrain association of parents to visually impaired children.