Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt`s Rehabilitation Teachers for the Blind and visually Handicapped, a dual-qualification training programme Orientation and Mobility (O&M) & Daily Living Skills (DLS)

Duration: 18 months (3480 h incl. study time for preparation 879 h; (1 h = 45 min.)
Costs: 32.333 DM (app. 16.532 Euro)
Financing: This is a full-time course. It is financed by the department of labour, under certain conditions determined by their office and by the individual conditions of the participants.

In 1975 the �Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt e. V. (German Institute for the Blind) / Rehabilitationcentre" started its first training courses O&M. Since 1983 we have offered further education courses. The requirements for the Course are:

  1. secondary school qualification and
  2. succesfully completed training as, either
  3. 18 months of work experience (of course experience with the visually impaired is desirable but not necessary)
  4. normal sight and hearing.

The graduates of this 1 1 year course do not receive a diploma of the University, but a certificate of completion signed by our institution and an addition a document of the Union for the blind and partially sighted. The course is not recognised by the state. It is a full-time training course and takes eight participants.

A: Subjects with examination

Neurophysiology and Physiology of Senses26 h
Ophthalmology34 h
Audiology26 h
Developmental Psychology and Concept Development46 h
Perceptional Psychology26 h
Social Psychology26 h
Education and Special Education26 h
Motor Development / Sensory Integration60 h
Altogether270 h

B: Additional Subjects

Simulation with Blindfold and various
Simulation Glasses (O&M and Daily Living Skills)
520 h
Theory of Simulation in small groups65 h
Theory of Simulation with all Participants130 h
Teaching practice under supervision100 h
Teaching Practice (without supervision)260 h
Theory of Teaching practice (1:1)152 h
Theory of Teaching practice with all participants100 h
Psychological Supervision during teaching practice40 h
Legal and administrative aspects20 h
Tactile plans and environmental design44 h
Electronical Aids (PC, Reading systems, etc.)26 h
Braille120 h
Information about Multi-handicapped visually impaired persons90 h
Optical Aids26 h
Leisure Time Activities26 h
Communication Techniques20 h
Administration and Management34 h
Theory and Practice of Rehabilitation
(special terms, electronic aids for O&M, etc.)
100 h
Weekly organization70 h
Evaluation of the training course28 h
Further Training for Dormatory counselors, Teachers etc. in O&M and Daily Living Skills60 h
Attendance at O&M and Daily Living Skills lessons50 h
Attendance at School lessons10 h
Altogether2091 h

C. Time for Tests, Examination and Projects 240 h

D. Time for preparation 879 h

E. Methods of simulations and teaching practice:

F. Materials:

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