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Invitation to the ICEVI Teacher Training Conference 2011

Visual Profile
Visual Profile - the application and adaptation of the International Classification of functioning, disability and health (WHO-ICF) in rehabilitation, care and education of people with visually impairment.

Interdisciplinary cooperation between various disciplines in support of clients with visual impairments is not easy. Therefore rehabilitation centers, schools and institutions for care for visually impaired and blind people do need a general conceptual framework. One international, interdisciplinary framework for that is the ICF of the WHO.

However, it is not so simple to find a practical way to use this model in support of people with visually impairment. For that aim you need a selection and adaptation of the ICF, a method and manual how to use it, assessments tools etc. specific for the support of our clients.

In the last 20 years we developed in our organization Royal Dutch Visio (1) such an interdisciplinary, ICF-based method and a manual under the umbrella term Visual Profile. We developed, in cooperation with the University of Groningen (2), instruments for assessment and for observation. In the method Visual Profile we combine professional judgments with self-evaluations of the client. We also use an approach of low vision from different, related perspectives: (1) participation and activities, (2) body function and structure, (3) disease or disorder, (4) environmental factors and (5) personal factors. The method Visual Profile enables to set up an interdisciplinary support diagnosis with insight into the client’s visual problems, aims of rehabilitation, care or education and actions to reach the optimal participation. As a result of that approach we use a new working definition of low vision, in which ocular visual impairment (OVI) as well as cerebral visual impairment (CVI) gives access to rehabilitation and special education.

In the training we will rehearse the ICF model and shall explain the model of Visual Profile. Apart from the theoretical framework we shall practice with some client case-stories. Guest speakers will present their state of the art in using ICF and Visual Profile in research, case studies, implementation and practical support.

Paul Looijestijn (1 and 2) and Cees Diepeveen (1)
Guest speakers:
Roxanna Elena Cziker, High School for the Visually impaired, Cluj-Napoca in Romania: Cerebral visual impairment in children with brain damages. Multidisciplinary research, assessment and rehabilitation within the frame of ICF
Dorthe Marie Degn, Coordinator of the ICFproVIP Partnership, IBOS in Denmark: Dilemmas in implenting ICF for VIP - results from the ICFproVIP Partnership, Lifelong learning programme - Leonardo da Vinci - EU
Karin van Hemelrijck & Joke Luyten, Ganspoel in Belgium. CVI-ID: a working method for children and youngsters with CVI to describe their visual problems and coping strategies


9:00-12:30 Welcome and acquaintance. Introduction of the theme of the conference.
14:30-18:30 Workshop Invitation from already registered participants
8:30 -12:30 Workshop
After lunch - a trip in the area
9:00-12:00 Programme, workshop, evaluation and presentation of the certificate
After lunch - Graz tour www.graztourismus.at and time for shopping
Conference Fee
75€ for members of ICEVI,
85€ for non-members.
Full boarding for 4 days in double room 150€ and in a single room 182€.
Please pay by yourself at the hotel.
Schloss St. Martin, www.schlossstmartin.at
Graz, Austria
There is no good public transport from the airport to Schloss St. Martin. It is, therefore, recommended to take a taxi. The costs will be around 15-20€.
ICEVI, Hans Welling
Gerti Jaritz
Application to:
Gerti Jaritz, Odilien-Institut, Leonhardstraße 130, A- 8010 Graz, Austria , gerti.jaritz@hotmail.com
Download Application form
Please transfer the costs to
Steirische Raiffeisenbank
Account nr 8751 133 Verein der Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogen
Blz: 38 000
IBAN: AT203800000008751133

Please Note that the number of participants is limited to 35 - 40 persons mainly depending on the sharing of rooms. There is a sequence of subscription.

Hearty welcome
Hans Welling and Gerti Jaritz

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