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3rd Workshop
Training of Teachers of the Visually Impaired in Europe

Preparing teachers of the visually impaired to support integration / inclusion

Warsaw, Poland, 3 - 6 April 2002

Compiled and edited by
Dr Herman A.A. Gresnigt,
European Chairman ICEVI

Table of contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Programme
    1. Workshop themes
    2. Working method
    3. Programme
  3. Opening reception
    1. Welcome by Mr Herman Gresnigt
    2. Welcome by Mrs Jadwiga Kwapisz, Prorector of the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw
  4. Opening session
    1. Welcome by Dr Herman Gresnigt, European Chairman ICEVI
    2. Keynote Address by Dr Steve McCall, Birmingham, UK: Making Inclusion Work.
    3. Lecture by Professor Dr Emmy Csocsan, Dortmund, Germany: Presentation of the ISaR-project.
    4. Lecture by Dr Christine Burger, Wurzburg, Germany: Presentation of the FLUSS project.
  5. Definition of Integration and Inclusion
  6. Report on theme 1: Communication by Mrs Lidia Zaremba
  7. Report on theme 2: Organizational aspects of integration/inclusion by Mr Jaroslaw Wiazowski
  8. Report on theme 3: Classroom management by Mr Michal Kamionka
  9. Report on theme 4: Special fields of competence by Mrs Antonina Adamowicz-Hummel and Mr Bartosz Wisniewski
    1. Appendix 1: List of special topics in teacher training
    2. Appendix 2: Competencies considered particularly relevant to the itinerant teacher
  10. Report on theme 5: The role of information technology by Mr Wojciech Maj
  11. Results of the questionnaire
  12. Evaluation and follow-up
  13. List of participants

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