Closing session, Thursday 13 July 2000, 16.00 - 17.00
During the second European Workshop of Training of Teachers of the Visually Impaired, held in September 1999 in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, extensive discussions have been held about the further development of sharing and creating knowledge and know-how in the field of education of the Visually Impaired.
People agreed unanimously that a European ICEVI website could play an important role in this respect. A small committee, consisting of Mirelia Arion (Romania), Krisztina Kovacs (Hungary), Heather Mason (UK), Steve McCall (UK), Peter Rodney (Denmark) and Harry Svensson (Sweden), has done some preparatory work to this end.
Mainly due to financial reasons it has, for the time being, been decided not to set up a database: instead, a choice has been made for a relatively simple website in HTML format. We were very pleased that we have been able to appoint Mrs Martina Kobolkova (Slovak Republic) as our professional webmaster. She has started her work for ICEVI Europe as from 1 April of this year. I would now like to ask her to show us the product of her efforts, our website:
As you see, the keynote address of Renate Walthes can already be found on the site. Furthermore: a Calendar, the Newsletter of this year, the Reports of the two workshops on Teacher Training, the Report of the workshop on Vocational Training and Employment, important links. As yet, it is a start: everybody should co-operate in order to further develop this site.
It is my dream that in the years to come this website will develop into a key source of information, knowledge and know-how for teacher trainers, teachers and other professionals and parents all over Europe. Then the aim of ICEVI - sharing information and creating knowledge on a European level - will be realised.
Martina Kobolkova
Support Centre for visually impaired students
Mlynska Dolina, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Fax: +421 7 654 24 862
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