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International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment

European Conference

Visions and strategies for the new century

Cracow, Poland, 9 -13 July 2000

Edited by dr Herman A. A. Gresnigt
European Chairman ICEVI

link to the Table of contents


Preparation of all texts: Mrs Carolien Hermans
Lay-out: Mrs Friedy van Reen
CD ROM: Mrs Martina Kobolkova

ISBN number: 90-76898.02.2

To be ordered at:
The secretariat of ICEVI Europe
c/o St. Elisabethstr 4
5361 HK Grave, the Netherlands
30 Euro (package and postage included) by transfer to account number: of "Conference Cracow 2000", Rabobank Grave, the Netherlands
(make sure your remittance states your name and address)

"The growing together and the intensive exchange among European countries which is particularly well mirrored in the organisation of the ICEVI, may be used to unitedly and powerfully represent the interests of people with visual impiarment."
From the keynote address of prof dr Renate Walthes

Table of contents


Part 1: Plenary sessions

Opening session, Sunday 9 July 2000, 15.00 - 17.00

Plenary session 1 - Early intervention, Monday 10 July 2000, 9.00 - 10.30

Plenary Session 2 - Multi-disabled visually impaired, Monday 10 July 2000, 11.00 - 12.30

Plenary session 3, Tuesday 11 July 2000, 14.00 - 15.30

Plenary session 4, Thursday 13 July 2000, 14.00 - 15.30

Closing session, Thursday 13 July 2000, 16.00 - 17.00

Part 2: Abstracts of lectures in parallel sessions and abstracts of posters

List of participants

List of ICEVI contactpersons in Europe

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