During the 5th European Conference of ICEVI, held from 9-13 July 2000 in Cracow, Poland, and attended by nearly 500 participants from 38 European countries, a broad range of aspects with regard to education and rehabilitation of children/youth with visual impairment was presented and discussed. About 200 lectures and posters were presented which, all together, provided a good, exhaustive and up-to-date state of the art in this field in Europe. Although the lectures and posters could be presented in six different languages during the conference, most of them were delivered to us in an English translation.
We think it is a good idea to publish the proceedings of this conference as a contribution to the exchange of ideas, knowledge and know-how related to the current developments, one of the major aims of ICEVI.
The content of this book is as follows:
Part 1: comprises the lectures, presented in the six plenary sessions
Part 2: comprises the abstracts of both the posters and the lectures presented in the 32 parallel sessions.
On the enclosed CD Rom you will find the full texts of all the lectures and posters in so far as they were available in English.
Part two consists of 11 chapters, each chapter based on a certain topic. The abstracts of the lectures and posters are placed in alphabetical order (presenters� names). Below the abstract we have indicated when the full text is not available on the CD rom. Furthermore, we have provided the addresses of all presenters in case readers wish to contact them.
Abstracts and lectures have been included as they were delivered to us: only major spelling mistakes have been corrected. Please be aware that most of the lecturers are no native speakers of English.
I would like to thank Mrs Carolien Hermans for the great deal of work that was involved in making this book ready for the press, and I would also like to thank Mrs Martina Kobolkova for her work involved in producing the CD Rom.
We sincerely hope that these proceedings will make a substantial contribution to the qualitative improvement of the education of visually impaired children and youth throughout Europe.
Dr Herman Gresnigt
European Chairman ICEVI
Editor of the Proceedings
Dr Herman Gresnigt
Bovensteweg 30
6585 KD Mook
Tel: +31 24 696 2217
E-mail: herman.gresnigt@upcmail.nl
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