www . ICEVI - Europe . org Report |
Seminar on cooperation between European education programmes
for ADL-instructors
at the Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted, Hellerup, Denmark
April 26-28, 2001
Table of contents
- Brief notes from the presentations and discussions (by Dorte H. Silver) supplemented with reports or overviews from the participants.
Summary and Individual countries
- Summary
- Denmark
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Holland
- Czech Republic
- The United Kingdom
- Poland
- Increased Inter-European coordination in the field of ADL
- What has happened since the meeting in Budapest? (Erik Ostergaard)
- Letter from the committee formed in Budapest 1999
- Presentation of outcomes from survey of European training programmes for ADL instructors (by Pam Cory)
- Summary of evaluation
- Notes from discussion on various didactic issues
- Who (or what) determines what services the client gets?
- Terminology and interpersonal interaction
- Is handwriting important?
- Qualification requirements (failing students)
- Video-taping
- Brain damage
- Blindfolds and simulation goggles
- Simulated clients and teach-back
- Shared definition of ADL - core subjects and related subjects
- Resources: videos and web sites
- Seminar invitation and programme
- List of participants
Please note: pages 39, 40 and 41 (product info on VINE simulation package, AER low vision simulators and Zimmerman low vision simulation kits) are missing in the web version. If you need this information, you can contact Dorte H. Silver at visinfo@visinfo.dk or fax (45) 39 64 91 14 or tel. (45) 39 46 01 05 and receive the pages by fax.
Free copies of this report available from the
Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre, Rymarksvej 1, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark
Tel. +45 39 46 01 01
Fax +45 39 61 94 14
E-mail: visinfo@visinfo.dk.
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