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[ Previous: ISaR by Emmy Csocsán | Table of Contents | Next: Group 1, Report ]
This workshop was organised for ICEVI by Solveig Sjostedt in cooperation with colleagues from ELTE Barczi Gusztav College, Budapest, Hungary and the University of Dortmund, Germany. It took place in Budapest where more than fifty participants from 20 countries gathered for four days of hard work interspersed with happy social occasions organised by our Hungarian hosts. There were four workshop topics:
How to include research in teacher training projects, i.e. active student participation.
Internet based virtual resource data banks (IsaR) and distance university courses. How to realise them through international co-operation.
How to prepare teachers to work in different educational environments. The individual education plan as a tool including a MDVI student in a regular setting.
Empowerment: Rehabilitation and education of persons with blindness and low vision - between independent living skills and competence of self-determination.
The chair persons of each group have written up the outcomes of their workshop and this will be put onto the ICEVI-Europe website in the near future. As usual, there was much networking going on and many new friendships made and old friendships renewed and strengthened.
[ Previous: ISaR by Emmy Csocsán | Table of Contents | Next: Group 1, Report ]