ISaR by Emmy Csocsán in co-operation with Frank Laemers and Richard Piatkowsky, University of Dortmund.
Integration of Students with Visual Impairment at Schools. Web-based Resource Center Project.
Group 1: How to include research in teacher training projects, i.e. active student participation.
Chair persons: Renate Walthes - Germany, Krisztina Kovács - Hungary (from IV).
Including paper by Krisztina Kovács, Hungary: Research Opportunities for Students in Visual Impairment at ELTE University Bárczi Gusztáv, Faculty of Special Education.
Group 2: Internet based virtual resource data banks (IsaR) and distance university courses. How to realise them through international co-operation.
Chair persons: Laemers Frank - Germany, Hännikäinen Tarja - Finland.
Including presentation by Tarja Hännikäinen: CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT IN FINLAND
Group 3: How to prepare teachers to work in different educational environments. The individual education plan as a tool including a MDVI student in a regular setting.
Chair persons: Csocsán Emmy - Hungary/Germany, Sjöstedt Solveig - Finland/Kosovo.
Including a list of literature on MIVI collected by representatives of participating countries and used at their universities.
Group 5: Empowerment: Rehabilitation and education of persons with blindness and low vision - between independent living skills and competence of self-determination.
Chair persons: Drolshagen Birgit - Germany, Rothenberg Birgit - Germany.