Photo from ICEVI-Europe event


Welcome to the Home Page of ICEVI-Europe. ICEVI is International Council for Education and Re/habilitation of People with Visual Impairment

New information on our site

New Call for Regional Meeting of the South European Countries on April 3, 2025. Join us Online!

New ICEVI-European Newsletter Issue April 2025

New Regional Meeting of the French Speaking Countries & Webinar Visual Impairment: Between Science and Society on April 8, 2025. Join us Online!

New 19th Biennial Child Vision Research Society (CVRS) Meeting/Conference July 7-9, 2025 - Join us in Zagreb!

New Announcement of ICEVI European Awards 2025!

New Registration is Open! 10th ICEVI-European Conference to be held on May 15-17, 2025 in Padova, Italy


Sharing information and knowledge on the field of education and rehabilitation of people with visual impairment.

Target audience

Professionals and others involved in the education and re/habilitation of children and young people with visual impairment.

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Main headlines

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Regional Meeting of the South European Countries
Date: April 3, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (CET) - Join us Online!

The Board of ICEVI-Europe is happy to announce that an Online Regional Meeting of the South European Countries will take place on: April 3, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (CET)

The Regional Meeting will be hosted & chaired by the ICEVI-Europe Board Member representing the South European Countries Region, Ms. Virginia Castellano Gómez-Monedero, Executive Director of Education, Employment and Braille of the National Organization of the Spanish Blind.

ICEVI-Europe National Representatives, Members & Non-Members belonging to the South European Countries [i.e. Italy (except the German-speaking area), Malta, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, & San Marino] are all invited to participate in this interesting event. Please be informed the Regional Meeting will be held in English.

The online Regional Meeting offers the opportunity:

  • To meet and exchange knowledge and information
  • To nominate National Representatives for all Countries belonging in the South European Countries Region

For further information including the Zoom Meeting Link & Passcode, as well as, the proposed Agenda, please consult the following announcements.

We look forward to having many you join us in our upcoming event!

Call for Regional Meeting Southern European ICEVI region - Members & Non-Members, pdf, 136kB

Call for Regional Meeting Southern European ICEVI region - National Representatives, pdf, 136kB

ICEVI-Europe logo

Regional Meeting of the French Speaking Countries & Webinar Visual Impairment: Between Science and Society
Date: April 8, 2025 at 6p.m. - 8p.m. Paris Time - Join us Online!

The Board of ICEVI-Europe is happy to announce that an Online Regional Meeting of the French Speaking Countries & Webinar Visual Impairment:
Between Science and Society
will take place on: April 8, 2025 at 6p.m. - 8p.m. Paris Time.

The Regional Meeting & Webinar will be hosted & chaired by the ICEVI-Europe Board Member representing the French Speaking Countries Region, Dr Nathalie Lewi-Dumont, and is held in collaboration with INSEI (Suresnes) & The University of Geneva.

ICEVI-Europe National Representatives, Members & Non-Members belonging to the French Speaking Countries [i.e. France, Belgium (francophone), & Switzerland (francophone)] are all invited to participate in this interesting event. Please be informed the Regional Meeting & Webinar will be held in French.

The online Regional Meeting offers the opportunity:

  • To meet and exchange knowledge and information
  • To nominate National Representatives for all 3 Countries belonging in the French Speaking Countries region [i.e. France, Belgium (francophone) & Switzerland (francophone)] and the Board Member representing the region.

For further information including the Zoom Meeting Link & Passcode, as well as, the proposed Agenda, please consult the following announcements.

À destination des pays francophones membres, pdf, 156kB

Save the Date! Online Regional Meeting of the French Speaking Countries Webinar, pdf, 170kB

ICEVI-Europe logo

2025 European Conference News!

Save the Date! 10th ICEVI-European Conference to be held on May 15-17, 2025 in Padova, Italy

Registration is Open!

With great pleasure we extend to you an invitation to participate in our Anniversary Conference, as it marks the 10th European Conference of ICEVI-Europe, and register as a Conference Participant!

The deadline for registration for the 10th ICEVI European Conference is fast approaching. The Standard Registration deadline is: February 28, 2025.

We encourage you to secure your spot and be part of this prestigious event, which will bring together hundreds of professionals, researchers and educators from across Europe and around the world, to share knowledge, experiences and discuss the latest advancements in the field of vision impairment education, re/habilitation and engagement.

Registration link:

Subject to availability of places after the deadline, late registration at an increased fee will remain open until: April 30, 2025.

For more information on registration, please visit our conference website or contact us directly at

You may find additional information regarding the conference aim, framework and registration in the following announcement. Please regularly visit the official conference website as it is updated with information as it becomes available.

The Board of ICEVI-Europe and the Robert Hollman Foundation look forward to your participation and welcoming you to Padova!

Flyer Icevi 2025, pdf, 528kB

Flyer Icevi 2025, docx, 4,72MB

ICEVI European Awards 2025 logo

Announcement of ICEVI-European Awards 2025!

The Board of ICEVI-Europe is proud to announce that the ICEVI European Awards 2025 will be celebrated during our forthcoming 10th ICEVI European Conference held May 15-17, 2025 in Padova, Italy.
Recipients of the awards are individuals or organizations of recognized prestige in the field of education and re/habilitation of people with visual impairment that have had an impact in Europe.
ICEVI Europe Members, National Representatives and Board Members are kindly invited to submit to the Awards Committee Nominees who meet the Awards Criteria and have made a significant improvement in the quality of life of people with visual impairment.
For further information on the Awards Criteria and to submit your Nominees for the ICEVI European Awards 2025, please consult the following announcement and submit a completed Google Nomination Form.
The Deadline for submitting your completed Nomination Form is: March 22, 2025.

ICEVI-Europe logo


19th Biennial Child Vision Research Society (CVRS) Meeting/Conference - Join us in Zagreb!
Date & Place: July 7-9, 2025, in Zagreb, Croatia

The Child Vision Research Society (CVRS) is an international society of researchers dedicated to understanding vision development in infancy and early childhood.

This year’s conference, "Engaged Science in Child Vision Research," will provide a unique platform for interdisciplinary collaboration across ophthalmology, neurology, psychology, pediatrics, education, rehabilitation, and related fields.
Early bird registration closure: March 15, 2025
Standard registration opening: March 16, 2025

CVRS Conference Announcement: CVRS Conference

For further information on the conference program, registrations, venue, and travel details, please visit the Conference website at:

ICEVI logo
European Blind Union and ICEVI-Europe logos

Joint Statement by ICEVI & ICEVI-Europe on the Protection and Safety of Persons with Visual Impairment in War-Affected Countries

The International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) & The International Council for Education and Re/habilitation of People with Visual Impairment, Europe (ICEVI-Europe) call for all States Parties to international conventions to ensure the protection and safety of persons with visual impairment, including those with additional disabilities and deafblindness, in all war-affected countries.

ICEVI Joint Statement on Protection and Safety of Persons (VI) in War Affected Countries, docx, 109kB
ICEVI Joint Statement on Protection and Safety of Persons (VI) in War Affected Countries, pdf, 351kB

European Blind Union and ICEVI-Europe logos

Announcement: Congratulations of the Higher Order

Awards presented to fellow colleagues, Nathalie Lewi-Dumont & David Swanston, in recognition of their achievements in the field of education of children and young people with visual impairment.

Congratulations of the Higher Order edited , PDF, 157kB

European Blind Union and ICEVI-Europe logos

Letter of Appreciation to the Immediate Past President of ICEVI-Europe, Hans Welling, from Dr John Ravenscroft, Professor and Chair of Childhood Visual Impairment & President of ICEVI-Europe, in recognition of his dedicated service, commitment and accomplishments in his decade long role as the President of ICEVI-Europe.

Letter of Appreciation Hans Welling format pdf, 213kB

ICEVI-Europe logo


ICEVI-Europe Professional Interest Group, Early Intervention Conference

Dear Participants of the Early Intervention Conference,

As a result of the special circumstances and measures taken in Europe in the context of COVID-19, it was decided that the ICEVI-Europe Professional Interest Group, Early Intervention Conference scheduled to be held on 23 & 24 April 2020 in Leuven, Belgium will not take place. We are looking into the possibility to postpone the ICEVI-Europe Professional Interest Group Early Intervention Conference to a later date, probably in the fall of 2020. As soon as we have more insight into a possible new date, this will be communicated. We would like to thank you for your understanding of the measures taken in light of these exceptional circumstances.

Hans Welling, President of ICEVI-Europe
Kathleen Vandermaelen, Board Member of ICEVI-Europe
Sonia Meys, Conference Chairperson

9th ICEVI European Conference - Empowered by Dialogue logo
European Blind Union and ICEVI-Europe logos

EBU & ICEVI-Europe Joint Project

Erasmus+ Mobility of Students with Disability: A State-of-the-art report on the accessibility of exchange programs for students with visual impairments

Erasmus+ Mobility of Students with visual impairment Pilot Survey among Erasmus+ and Disability Coordinators

Erasmus+ Mobility of Students with Visual Impairment Accessible Universities for Erasmus+ Students with Visual Impairment

Recommendations for students with visual impairment participating in international exchange programmes

Site news

16.06.2023  The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) is now accepting Fellowship Applications!

For the Fellowship Terms of Reference and Application Form, please visit: Interested candidates should complete the application form and send a cover letter and CV to by: Monday, July 3, 2023.