Photo from ICEVI-Europe event

Information folder

International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) is a global association of individuals and organizations that promotes equal access to appropriate education for all children and youth with visual impairment so that they may achieve their full potential.

Benefits of membership to ICEVI-Europe:

Individual members receive a 10% discount off the conference fee of the European Conference.

Member organizations receive a 10% discount off the conference fee of the European Conference.

Receipt of ICEVI International's Biannual Magazine Publication, the Educator.

Receipt of the ICEVI European Newsletter Issues.

Access to networking opportunities and Consortium Partners for engaging in European Projects and Research, aiding in professional development.

A 33% Discount on the subscription to the visual impairment and blindness journal, German Journal "blind sehbehindert" (only in German language) of VBS (Verband für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik e.V. - The Association of Pedagogy for the Blind and Visually Impaired), as well as, the opportunity to participate for VBS collective sessions for the same price as VBS-Members.*

A 20% Discount for use when purchasing American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Press books, eLearning, or the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness in the AFB Store at*

A 10% Discount on participants' fee to conferences, seminars, and workshops with professionals in the field of visual impairment of ICEVI-Europe.

A 10% discount on the self-paced tutorials of Perkins School for the Blind which can be found at*

The opportunity to join an ICEVI-Europe Professional Interest Group of your choice. For details, please visit the ICEVI-Europe website at

Our aims

Our activities

ICEVI Europe

  1. provides a website
    • With information about ongoing activities
    • With reports of conferences and workshops
    • With actual information about specific fields of interest
    • With links to other important websites
  2. Publishes The European Newsletter with 3 annual issues
  3. Organizes workshops on various topics e.g. the training of teachers of visually impaired students
  4. Organizes a European conference every 4 years
  5. Promotes twinning contacts

* In the event you are interested in receiving these Benefits, ICEVI-Europe will send you a Letter of Confirmation saying that you are in fact a Member of ICEVI-Europe. In this case, please send an email with your request of a Letter of Confirmation to the Executive Assistant to the Presidency of ICEVI-Europe, Mrs. Martha Gyftakos () so that you may use this Letter when you contact VBS, AFB, and/or Perkins School for the Blind for the purpose of obtaining these benefits. In addition, when sending us your request of a Letter of Confirmation, please inform us which of the benefits from VBS, AFB, or Perkins School for the Blind you are interested in obtaining, so that we may also provide you with coupon codes and/or instructions to allow you to access these benefits.