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National Page of Iceland

National representatives

Mrs. Audrey Farrelly

Name: Mrs. Audrey Farrelly
Organization: ChildVision
Address: Gracepark Road Drumcondra, Dublin 9, United Kingdom
Phone: 00 353 1 8373635

Educational institutions

There are only two schools specializing in the education of children who are visually impaired.

ChildVision Primary School, Drumcondra, Dublin

In the school, all aspects of the Primary Curriculum are taught. A special curriculum for pupils with a visual impairment is also taught; this includes: Braille literacy, Word Processing, a listening skills programme, a vision training programme and Orientation and Mobility. The school caters for children within the Primary school age (0-12 years).

Pobalscoil Rosmini - Secondary School, Drumcondra, Dublin

Pobalscoil is adjacent to ChildVision's campus. Visually impaired and sighted students are educated together. The school offers a wide range of academic and practical subjects for Junior Certificate, Transition Year, Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate. Staff includes six dedicated teachers for the visually impaired. The school caters for children within the Secondary school age (12-18 years).


The National Council for the Blind (NCBI)

Website: The National Council for the Blind (NCBI) website

NCBI offers a wide range of services, training and facilities to all children and adults with a visual impairment. The NCBI has offices all around Ireland. The NCBI head office is located in Whitworth Road, Drumcondra, Dublin.

The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind

Website: The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind website

The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind offer child mobility training. Residential courses are held in their National Headquarters and Training centre at Model Farm Road, Cork.