Photo from ICEVI-Europe event

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National Page of Kazakhstan

National representative

Mrs. Karlygash (Klara) Rakisheva

Name: Mrs. Karlygash (Klara) Rakisheva
Organization: Association on Rehabilitation of Children-invalids Public Association "I TRUST IN YOU"
Address: Mangistau oblast microregion 1, building 8, office 3 130000, Aktau city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: 00 7 7292 504316
Mobile: 00 7 701 2495332, 00 7 7292 524160
Website: Association on Rehabilitation of Children-invalids Public Association "I TRUST IN YOU" website


Kazakh Blind Society

Address: 175 Muratbayev str, Alma Ata, 480059 Kazakhstan
Phone: 007 3272 67 59 23
Fax: 007 3272 63 63 75

Kazakhstan Association of the Blind

Address: Kirova Street 21, Astana, PO 473000 Kazakhstan
Phone: 007 3172 261568
Fax: 007 3172 261568

Association on Rehabilitation of Children-invalids Public Association "I TRUST IN YOU"

Address: Mangistau oblast microregion 1, building 8, office 3 130000, Aktau city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: 00 7 7292 504316
Mobile: 00 7 701 2495332, 00 7 7292 524160

Created in april 2009.

The objectives of the Center: provision of information services, consulting, and education for persons with visual disabilities.

The creation of the information and social rehabilitation infrastructure for the blind persons.
The extinction of information and rehabilitation services through the implementation of new technologies.

The services offered by the Center: