Photo from ICEVI-Europe event

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National Page of Ukraine

National representatives

Mrs. Evgeniya Synyova (Dr.)

Name: Mrs. Evgeniya Synyova (Dr.)
Organization: National M. Dragomanov Pedagogical University of Ukraine, Institute of corrective pedagogies and psychology
Address: Saksaganskogo str. 92/94, ap.149, Kyiv 01032, Ukraine
Phone: 00 38044 482-38-47
Fax: 00 38044 486-80-38
Private Phone: 00 38044 288-20-06
Mobile: 00 38044 067 721-94-80

Mrs Vira Remazhevska (Ph.D.)

Name: Mrs Vira Remazhevska (Ph.D.)
Position: director
Organization: Educational and Rehabilitational Center for Visually Impaired Children "Lewenia", Head of the Correctional, Pedagogy Department the Lviv Region Institute for Post-Graduate Pedagogic Education
Address: ERC "Lewenia", 87-A, Vol.Velykogo str., 79053 Lviv, Ukraine
Phone: 00 38032 2634088


Ukrainian Association of the Blind

Address: 3 Pechortsky spusk Kiev, 01023 Ukraine
Phone: 00 380 44 224 1127